Windows 7 is Microsoft's latest client operating system, which was released October 22nd 2009.
I will update this site regularly with information on Windows 7.
Here's a list of all current Windows 7 Tips.
Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7
March 5, 2012 - 09:45 GMT
At the end of last month Microsoft released Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7. The release is available in 95 languages and can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site.
March 20, 2012 - 16:30 GMT
I have always known that Microsoft's Internet Explorers implementation of "Temporary Internet Files" (TIF) had been completely broken, and there isn't much temporary about it. No matter what size you specify for the TIF to use in Internet Explorer, the size of the cache will continue growing.
Automatically Attach VHD Images
January 9, 2012 - 10:05 GMT
Windows 7 users can create virtual hard drive (VHD) images using the Disk Management tool. These images can then be mounted and used like any other partition in the operating system. A newly created image gets automatically attached in the current Windows session. The problem is that when Windows is restarted, the image is no longer attached, so after each reboot you'd have to manually attach the image before you can continue using it.
How to check your laptop battery health in Windows 7
November 16, 2011 - 17:25 GMT
Windows 7 includes a new command that shows you a lot of details on its power usage & settings and helps you troubleshoot power issues (like Windows 7 waking up unexpected when you've put it in Sleep mode). This command also shows you some detailed information about your laptop's battery, including its design capacity and the last full charge. With this data you can calculate how much (percentage-wise) your battery has deteriorated over time.
September 8, 2011 - 13:00 GMT
Unlike Windows XP and Vista, Windows 7 doesn't launch a screen saver if you leave the computer idle on the Windows logon (or Welcome) screen. There is a 'work around' to anable a screen saver at the login screen though.
Optimize Windows 7 for use with a Solid State Drive
June 8, 2011 - 12:10 GMT / Updated: January 16, 2013
If you can justify the price, a Solid State Drive (SSD) is a great upgrade that will improve your overall computer experience. There are a few things that will improve your SSD's performance and/or endurance that you can apply, and I'll show you some tips to reduce the amount of space needed for your Windows 7 installation. Since space cost is at a premium in SSD's, these tips could come in handy.
How to Network Windows 7 With Other Windows Versions
March 7, 2013
August 16, 2010 - 18:25 GMT
Windows 7 presents some users with problems when trying to share files/folders on their local networks with computers that aren't running Windows 7 (most problems occur with Windows XP). In this article we look at some steps to take to ensure a proper functioning network.
Windows 7: Which Edition Should You Choose?
September 15, 2009 - 13:15 GMT
Like Windows Vista, Windows 7 includes a number of product versions that make it difficult for users to know which version they should choose. As I did with Windows Vista, I'm providing a listing of the differences between the products.
Windows 7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
June 25, 2009 - 19:30 GMT
Frequently asked questions and general information about Windows 7.
Other Windows 7 articles:
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