Create a Password Recovery Disk
By: Arie SlobIf you want some added safety in case you forget your password, you should create a Password Recovery Disk. To do so, open User Accounts from the Control Panel. Select the account for which you want to create a Password Recovery Disk; this will put you in the change 'mode'. From the Related Tasks at the left side, choose Prevent a forgotten password and follow the wizard to create a Password Recovery Disk.
If you upgraded from Windows NT or 2000, you will need to create new disks. The old disks you created on the previous OS version won't work.

When you ever forget your password, you can press the and you will see a link to use your Password Recovery Disk. This will verify your access rights, and prompt you to create a new password, which you can use to access your account. The new password is written to your recovery disk at the same time you create it.
Note: You can also use a USB Flash Drive to store the password recovery data on it, in case your system doesn't house a floppy drive.