Windows 98 SE Update doesn't update Internet Explorer 5
By: Arie SlobIf you where running Internet Explorer 5 before upgrading to Windows 98 Second Edition, chances are that Windows 98 SE didn't update Internet Explorer 5 to the latest version.
The version of Internet Explorer 5 shipping with Windows 98 SE is 5.00.2614.3500.
To update Internet Explorer 5 after you upgraded to Windows 98 SE:
- Rename the Iemigrat.dll file in the \Windows\System folder to Iemigrat.old
- Start the Registry Editor
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Setup \ Migration \ 100
- Delete the IE System Migration value
- Exit the Registry Editor, and reinstall Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 version 5.00.2614.3500 addresses these know issues from Internet Explorer 5 version 5.00.2314.1003:
- Updated HTML parsing engine, Mshtml.dll, which addresses three security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer (See Internet Explorer 5: Security Patches under "MSHTML Update Available for Internet Explorer")
- The update that allows you to type double-byte characters in a text box in a Web form (For more information see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q231339 Form Text Box Does Not Accept Double-Byte Characters)
- Updated Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML) Edit ActiveX control, which addresses a potential security issue (See Internet Explorer 5: Security Patches under "Patch for "DHTML Edit" Vulnerability")
- Web pages that were partially rendered in Internet Explorer are now rendered properly (See Fix for "Partial Web Page Rendered If HTTP Stream Terminates Early"
- You can map a network connection to a computer that contains Korean characters in the computer name (For more information see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q230372 Mapping Drive to Computer with Korean Name Causes GPF)
- An update that resolves the issue where the Back and Forward buttons are unavailable