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Quickly clear the (Recent) Documents Menu


To clear the (Recent) Documents Menu requires some clicking. Here's a quick and dirty way to be able to clear them with a double-click:

  1. Create a batch file with the line:

    (To make it more easy for you to copy/paste, we've put the text in a text box)
    To create a batch file, just create a .txt file using NotePad and rename the .txt extension to .bat.

  2. Save the batch file into a convenient directory
  3. Create a shortcut to the batch file on the desktop
  4. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties > Program tab
  5. Under Run, choose Minimized
  6. Check the Close on Exit box
  7. Click OK

Now just double click on the shortcut's icon to clear the document menu.

To clear the Documents menu every time you start Windows 98:

Install TweakUI, you can find it on your CD-ROM in the \tools\reskit\powertoy folder.

Click on the Paranoia tab, and check the Clear Document history at logon option.

It's also possible to remove the Documents folder from the Start menu.

You can also use my Tweaking Toolbox for Windows, one of it's functions is to clear the MRU lists.

For more information & free trial, check the Tweaking Toolbox for Windows pages.

Tweaking Toolbox for Windows - Start menu tab