How to Display Detailed Error Messages in Windows Me
Windows Me error messages do not display component and register information by default. When an error occurs, you see a dialog box with following information (example):
IEXPLORE has caused an error in <unknown>. IEXPLORE will now close. If you continue experiencing problems, try restarting your computer.
However, detailed information on the error can be viewed. While the message stating that there has been an error is still on display, press [Alt]+[D]. This displays the error message details for review.
When the error has already occurred, or you wasn't able to press [Alt]+[D], you can access the errors using the steps below.
- Right-click the My Computer icon, and click Explore from the menu
- Double-click the drive icon where the Windows directory is (the default is C:\Windows)
- Double-click the Windows directory
- Find and Double-click the file Faultlog.txt
- Examine the entries for the error details
Faultlog.txt entries are entered at the time they occur automatically and the time and date the error occurs is logged. The most recent will appear as the bottom entry.
Here is a sample Faultlog.txt entry:
****************************************************** Date 03/03/2001 Time 14:00 IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module WININET.DLL at 017f:70204b49. Registers: EAX=0badf00d CS=017f EIP=70204b49 EFLGS=00010216 EBX=8f31840d SS=0187 ESP=00587884 EBP=70bd7254 ECX=83542a98 DS=0187 ESI=9adf7419 FS=3d97 EDX=005878b4 ES=0187 EDI=0042a184 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 80 3e 3a 74 0f 4e 3b f3 73 f6 6a 01 58 5f 5e 5d Stack dump: 0042a184 83839400 005878ac 00000002 70202f1e 8f31840d 0badf00d 70261088 0042a184 00000001 005878d8 70202e51 83542a98 00000000 00000000 00000001 ******************************************************
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